
Thursday, 14 May 2015

Skype Smileys Emoticon Secret Cheat Code

Somewhere, I heard a phrase ‘A picture worth thousands of words.’ No doubt, it is 100% true. Emoticons are an obvious and optimum way to express feelings when it seems to be confounded to describe a human feeling in words. Thus, most of the Skype users are fond of this and make it stand far ahead incompetence to another. Besides integrated smileys and emoticons in Skype, diversified categories of secret smiley are also available, which is just like piercing the fish eye to designate them. But you don’t have to worry any more. I will let you enable to get Skype smiley codes and other Skype emoticons cheat code in very convenient and easy way.
Moreover, you can get various emoticons and facial expressions in account of combinations of keyword characters. In technical term you may consider Skype smiley cheat code and Skype emoticon code when key combinations result in smiley and emoticons respectively. So, don’t bother about to bit hard, you can employ smileys for Skype as you desire. You are independent to employ any sort of Skype cheat codes or Skype emoticon code to designate desired smileys and emoticons. So, go ahead to designate your desired Skype Smiley Code to express your feeling.
IconAnimated IconsNameEquivalents
 smile Smile:):=):-)
 sadsmile sadsmileSad Smile:(:=(:-(
 bigsmile Big Smile:D:=D:-D:d:=d:-d
 cool coolCool8)8=)8-)B)B=)B-)(cool)
 crying Crying;(;-(;=(
 sweating Sweating(sweat)(:|
 speechless speechlessSpeechless:|:=|:-|
 kiss kissKiss:*:=*:-*
 tongueout tongueoutTongue Out:P:=P:-P:p:=p:-p
 blush blushBlush(blush):$:-$:=$:”>
 wondering wonderingWondering:^)
 sleepy sleepySleepy|-)I-)I=)(snooze)
 dull dullDull|(|-(|=(
 inlove inloveIn love(inlove)
 evilgrin evilgrinEvil grin]:)>:)(grin)
 talking talkingTalking(talk)
 yawn yawnYawn(yawn)|-()
 puke pukePuke(puke):&:-&:=&
 doh dohDoh!(doh)
 angry angryAngry:@:-@:=@x(x-(x=(X(X-(X=(
 itwasntme itwasntmeIt wasn’t me(wasntme)
 party partyParty!!!(party)
 worried worriedWorried:S:-S:=S:s:-s:=s
 mmm mmmMmm…(mm)
 nerd nerdNerd8-|B-|8|B|8=|B=|(nerd)
 lipssealed lipssealedLips Sealed:x:-x:X:-X:#:-#:=x:=X:=#
 hi hiHi(hi)
 call callCall(call)
 devil devilDevil(devil)
 angel angelAngel(angel)
 envy envyEnvy(envy)
 wait waitWait(wait)
 bear bearBear(bear)(hug)
 makeup makeupMake-up(makeup)(kate)
 giggle giggleCovered Laugh(giggle)(chuckle)
 clapping clappingClapping Hands(clap)
 thinking thinkingThinking(think):?:-?:=?
 bow bowBow(bow)
 rofl roflRolling on the floor laughing(rofl)
 whew whewWhew(whew)
 happy happyHappy(happy)
smirk smirkSmirking(smirk)
 nod nodNodding(nod)
 shake shakeShaking(shake)
 punch punchPunch(punch)
 emo emoEmo(emo)
 yes yesYes(y)(Y)(ok)
 no noNo(n)(N)
 handshake handshakeShaking Hands(handshake)
 skype skypeSkype(skype)(ss)
 heart heartHeart(h)(H)(l)(L)
 brokenheart brokenheartBroken heart(u)(U)
 mail mailMail(e)(m)
 flower flowerFlower(f)(F)
 rain rainRain(rain)(london)(st)
 sun sunSun(sun)
 time timeTime(o)(O)(time)
 music musicMusic(music)
movie movieMovie(~)(film)(movie)
phone phonePhone(mp)(ph)
 coffee coffeeCoffee(coffee)
 pizza pizzaPizza(pizza)(pi)
 cash cashCash(cash)(mo)($)
 muscle muscleMuscle(muscle)(flex)
 cake cakeCake(^)(cake)
 beer beerBeer(beer)
 drink drinkDrink(d)(D)
 dance danceDance(dance)o/:D/:d/
 ninja ninjaNinja(ninja)
 star starStar(*)
 bandit banditBandit(bandit)
drunk drunkDrunk(drunk)
smoke smokeSmoking(smoking)(smoke)(ci)
 middlefinger middlefingerFinger(finger)
 rock rockRock(rock)
 mooning mooningMooning(mooning)
 bug bugBug(bug)
 fubar fubarFubar(fubar)
 poolparty poolpartyPoolparty(poolparty)
 swear swearSwearing(swear)
 tmi tmiTMI(tmi)
 heidy heidyHeidy(heidy)
Rock RockRock(rock)
 headbang headbangHeadbang(headbang)(banghead)
toivo toivoToivo(toivo)
 fingerscrossedFingers Crossed(fingers)(fingerscrossed)(yn)
 highfiveHigh Five(highfive)(hifive)(h5)
 wfhWorking From Home(wfh)
 facepalmFace Palm(facepalm)(fail)

However, I hope after taking a look over this post Skype Smileys & Skype Emoticons Secret Cheat Code  you achieved your desired smileys. It might be highly valuable and worthy to express your that feeling which is difficult to render in words.

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